EDP300 Electro-Pneumatic Positioner ABB Vietnam

Introducing the Electro-Pneumatic Positioner EDP300 ABB Vietnam

EDP300 is an advanced Electro-Pneumatic Positioner from ABB

Designed to provide high accuracy in position control of industrial valves.

This positioner combines electronic and pneumatic technology to ensure optimum performance in applications requiring reliability and accuracy.

Outstanding features of EDP300 Electro-Pneumatic Positioner ABB Vietnam

  • High precision :
    • The EDP300 uses advanced sensors and controllers to provide high precision in valve position control.
    • This helps to improve the performance and efficiency of the system.
  • Easy to install and configure :
    • The device is designed for easy installation and configuration through a user-friendly interface and support tools.
    • Users can quickly adjust and optimize device performance.
  • Durability and reliability :
    • The EDP300 is constructed from high quality materials and designed to operate reliably in harsh environmental conditions.
    • This helps to minimize downtime and maintenance costs.
  • Easy integration :
    • The device can be easily integrated into existing control systems.
    • Supports many popular communication protocols such as HART, Profibus and Foundation Fieldbus.
  • Self-diagnostic feature :
    • The EDP300 is equipped with advanced self-diagnostic features, which help detect potential problems early and provide warnings so users can perform timely maintenance.

Application of EDP300 Electro-Pneumatic Positioner ABB Vietnam

  • Oil industry :
    • Control valves in oil and gas production and transportation systems, ensuring performance and safety.
  • Chemistry :
    • Control valves in chemical production processes, ensuring accuracy and safety during operation.
  • Electric power industry :
    • Used in power plants to control valves in cooling systems, boilers and other applications.
  • Food and beverage processing industry :
    • Control valves in production and packaging processes, ensuring product hygiene and quality.

ABB's EDP300 is an ideal solution for industrial applications requiring high precision, reliability and flexible integration.

With advanced features and stable operation in harsh conditions

EDP300 helps improve the performance and efficiency of valve control systems


See more technical documents  here

See more technical products  here