Laurels - DIN Rail Transmitters
Price: Contact
Brand: Laurel
Category: Controller
Supplier: JonJul VietNam
Ứng dụng sản phẩm: Automation equipment
Laurel VietNam DIN Rail Transmitters - JonJul VietNam
1. LT DIN Rail Transmitters, 4-20 mA & RS232/RS485 Serial Data Outputs:
The LT series DIN transmitters and signal conditioners can be interfaced with a variety of sensors and transducers using one of seven pre-pluggable signal conditioning boards. High performance mirrored transmitters (high precision, high reading speed) and extended programming features of Laureate 1/8 DIN digital meter, counter and timer panels.
LT DIN Rail Transmitters, 4-20 mA & RS232/RS485 Serial Data Outputs |
2. LTE DIN Rail Transmitters, 4-20 mA & Ethernet Serial Data Outputs:
Laureate LTE Series DIN Rail transmitters and conditioners come with Ethernet interface (isolated), 4-20 mA or 0-10V analog output (isolated), dual 120 mA solid state AC/DC relays (isolated) and output probe exciter (isolated, models not for temperature or AC RMS).
The LTE transmitter can be interfaced with a variety of sensors and converters using one of seven available signal conditioning boards. High performance mirrored transmitters (high precision, high reading speed) and extended programming features of Laureate 1/8 DIN digital meter, counter and timer panels. The LTE transmitter can be connected directly to a Local Area Network (LAN) via an Ethernet cable and allows remote reading over the Internet.
LTE DIN Rail Transmitters, 4-20 mA & Ethernet Serial Data Outputs |
3. QLS Quad Output 4-20 mA Current Loop Splitter / Retransmitter:
4. The Laureate QLS Loop Splitter / Retransmitter Solution:
- Sources up to four (4) independently adjustable 4-20 mA outputs from a single input, which can be 4-20 mA, 1-5V, 0-5V or 0-10V, as selected by jumpers.
- If any device in an output loop is removed from a loop or fails, or if a wiring fault occurs in any loop, the other loops continue to operate properly.
- Signal input and outputs can share a common signal ground.
- Common mode volage of output loops is ±10V by means of active circuity so that remote grounds can vary by up to ±10V.
- Each loop only drives a single load, thus avoiding voltage compliance problems.
- ±10% of zero and span adjustment are provided for each output loop to allow for independent loop calibration.
- Diagnostics for each output loop are provided by a yellow LED lamp to indicate loop continuity and by a test point across a 10Ω series resistor, where 200 mV corresponds to 20 mA. The test point allows a multimeter to measure the loop current without breaking the loop.
- Power for the loop splitter can be high voltage 85-264 Vac or 90-300 Vdc (Model QLS-1) or low voltage 10-48 Vdc or 12-32 Vac (Model QLS-2). An excitation output is provided on the signal input side to drive a 2- or 3-wire transmitter at 24 Vdc up to 30 mA.
QLS Quad Output 4-20 mA Current Loop Splitter / Retransmitter |
=> Link Brand: https://www.laurels.com
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