EC5800R Ohkura Vietnam digital controller

Introducing EC5800R Ohkura Vietnam

Model EC5800R digital indicator controller has a large screen, excellent visibility. Because it is a light guiding system, it is also clear outdoors. And dial settings are made easy. Additionally, a self-adjusting feature is included as standard. PID, gapped PID, heating/cooling control or servo PID are available as control functions. As described above, the EC5800R 1/4DIN controller is widely applicable.


Features of  EC5800R Ohkura Vietnam

โ– " Extra large digital display
โ– "" Auto-tuning, Self-tuning provided as standard
"โ– " Full multi-input (Thermocouple, RTD, voltage or current)
โ– "" High-speed control cycle 50ms
โ– "" Scaling Range from -19999 to 19999
โ– ““ Multiple outputs (selective)
โ– ” 4 alarm outputs
โ– “ RS-232C,RS- 422A (RS -485) Communication interface
โ– “ Easy replacement from EC5800A


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Phone number: 0348097237
Address: No. 4, Street 14, Highway 13, Van Phuc Urban Area, Hiep Binh Phuoc Ward, Thu Duc City, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam.