Introducing PRT2 – ROLLED RINGS Hepcomotion ROLLED RINGS

Rolled rings are a cost-effective solution for commercial grade applications requiring circular guidance.

Cost-effective circular motion – Hepco’s rolled rings are a cost-effective means of achieving circular guidance of unlimited maximum diameter in commercial grade applications.

Curved profile slides – Flat slides are rolled to produce a curved form, allowing circular movement of carriages around a diameter.

Any size – Rolled rings are manufactured to the application requirements, with no upper limit on length or diameter.

Versatility with fixtures – Carriages are mounted to rolled rings and segments including customer fixing holes, enabling fixtures and components to be mounted.

Slides are supplied in P3 precision grade only Slides can be supplied in single lengths up to 3500mm long and butted to create very large diameter rings and segments Bogie Carriages are available for rolled slides with straight and curved sections

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Phone number: 0348097237


Address: No. 4, Street 14, Highway 13, Van Phuc Urban Area, Hiep Binh Phuoc Ward, Thu Duc City, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam