Dehumidifying Unit DMZ2 Matsui VietNam Dehumidifier

Description Dehumidifying Unit DMZ2 Matsui VietNam dehumidifier

DMZ2 provides stable low dew point dry air at -40 °C. The initial performance is maintained for a long time without the need to replace the adsorbent material in the honeycomb unit.

The included accessories

  • solid state relay
  • remote controll
  • Power relays
  • table fan
  • electromagnetic switch
  • thermostat
  • temperature measuring body
  • cartridge filter
  • turbo fan
  • ring blower
  • Heat-resistant air pipes

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Phone number: 0348097237


Address: No. 4, Street 14, Highway 13, Van Phuc Urban Area, Hiep Binh Phuoc Ward, Thu Duc City, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam